We Care...
You’ll soon get to know the team and your account manager. We won’t just be there if something goes wrong or if there’s a quick sale in the offering. Because we place so much importance upon our customer service we strive to turn our relationship with you into a true trusted partnership.
We place our clients’ needs first, the technology is simply a means to an end that supports growth and success.
Heard it all before? If you shop around, most other providers of Managed IT and Communications Services seem to be saying the same thing. Expectations and demand are now well understood by marketing teams in this industry, so we all know what we need to offer in order to meet needs and to stay in business.
At Safaqati, we make every effort to go beyond our client expectations.
You first – technology second. It’s easy to say, but we understand that we’re a customer service organization first and foremost, before we are a technology-driven company. It doesn’t matter how clever the technologies or our technical skills are, without you, they mean nothing. You’re our number 1 priority.
Honesty and professionalism. Culture is important to us, our company values aren’t just paper statements. This is a stimulating and fun place to work. Happy and smart people create better service. Like many providers, we recognize that plain speaking is a key element in your decision-making and ensuring that your technology works for you..
Technology is still important. Although we place you first when it comes to our goals and culture, it doesn’t mean that we neglect technology. We’re fully committed to accreditation, training and certification. We only partner with the best suppliers, too, and work very closely with them to deliver advanced intelligence on the latest technological solutions which we pass onto to you.
What next? If you think we can help you move forward with your ICT, or you’d like more information about our services, please contact us today or call +971-050-9691178 and speak to one of our technology specialists.